Conclusions of the 38th Conference of the Vice-Rectors for Academic and Student Affairs – December 2024, Mystras
See the Conclusions of the Conference here Open Academic Editions – KALLIPOSThe Conference of Vice-Rectors for Academic and Student Affairs notes that the project “Open Academic Textbooks – KALLIPOS+” is on its way to successful completion, having produced (in total, including Phase 1) more than 1,000 open-access digital textbooks. It reiterates its request to the […]
Open digital educational resources for Artificial Intelligence (AI) (under construction)
A. KALLIPOS REPOSITORY TEXTBOOKS (2024) Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Exercises with the Prolog LanguageCitation: Sgarbas, K. (2024). Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Exercises with the Prolog Language [Laboratory Guide]. Kallipos, Open Academic Editions. Fundamentals of Computational IntelligenceCitation: Dounis, A. (2024). Fundamentals of Computational Intelligence [Undergraduate textbook].Kallipos, Open Academic Editions. to MechatronicsCitation: Tairidis, G., & Stavroulakis, G. (2024). Introduction to Mechatronics [Undergraduate textbook].Kallipos, […]